Razor View

What is Razor?
Razor is a markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code (VB and C#) into web pages.
Server-based code can create dynamic web content, while a web page is written to the browser. When a web page is called, the server executes the server-based code inside the page before it returns the page to the browser. By running on the server, the code can perform complex tasks, like accessing databases.
Razor is based on ASP.NET, and designed for creating web applications. It has the power of traditional ASP.NET markup, but it is easier to use, and easier to learn.
@for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Main Razor Syntax Rules for C#
  • Razor code blocks are enclosed in @{ ... }
  • Inline expressions (variables and functions) start with @
  • Code statements end with semicolon
  • Variables are declared with the var keyword
  • Strings are enclosed with quotation marks
  • C# code is case sensitive
  • C# files have the extension .cshtml

How it Work?
Razor web pages can be described as HTML pages with two kinds of content: HTML content and Razor code.
When the server reads the page, it runs the Razor code first, before it sends the HTML page to the browser. The code that is executed on the server can perform tasks that cannot be done in the browser, for example accessing a server database. Server code can create dynamic HTML content on the fly, before it is sent to the browser. Seen from the browser, the HTML generated by server code is no different than static HTML content.
ASP.NET web pages with Razor syntax have the special file extension cshtml (Razor using C#) or vbhtml (Razor using VB).
